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When it comes to restoring and preserving buildings and structures, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. One of the most important factors is ensuring that the building or structure is structurally sound and safe for use. This may involve repairing or replacing damaged or deteriorated materials, or reinforcing the existing structure to ensure that it can withstand the elements and other potential hazards.

Another important aspect of building and structure restoration and preservation is maintaining the original design and aesthetic as much as possible. This may involve using materials and techniques that are similar to those used in the original construction, or finding modern solutions that can replicate the look and feel of the original design. Additionally, it is important to consider the building or structure’s historical and cultural significance, and to take steps to preserve any unique or important features that contribute to its overall value and importance. With careful planning and attention to detail, it is possible to restore and preserve buildings and structures for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.


Structural Repairs

Façade Repairs

Parking Deck Repairs

Emergency Response

Structural Steel

Specialty Rigging

Historical Restoration


Graffiti Removal

Structural Repairs

  • Concrete Repairs
  • Engineered Structural Repairs
  • Emergency Shoring
  • Engineered Shoring

When it comes to building structural repairs, it’s important to understand the underlying reasons for the damages. While some damages may be caused by natural disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes, others may be due to poor construction practices or neglect in maintenance. Identifying the root cause of the damage is crucial in determining the appropriate repairs necessary to restore the structure’s integrity and prevent future damage.

One common reason for building structural damage is water infiltration. Moisture can weaken the foundation of a building, leading to cracks and even collapse. Poor drainage systems, leaky roofs, and faulty plumbing can all contribute to water infiltration and subsequent damage. Other causes of building structural damage may include soil erosion, foundation settlement, and inadequate structural support. It’s important to address these issues promptly and thoroughly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of occupants. When it comes to building structural repairs, it’s always best to consult with a professional to ensure that the repairs are effective and safe.

Façade Repairs

  • Masonry
  • Stone
  • Precast
  • Terracotta/Brownstone/Cast Stone
  • Limestone
  • Wall Coatings
  • Sealers
  • Glass Polishing
  • Sealants and Glazing
  • Flashings
  • Lintel Replacement
  • Shelf Angle Replacement

Building façades are the first line of defense against the elements and other external factors. The façade is responsible for protecting the interior of a building from wind, rain, and other forms of weathering. Over time, façades may become damaged and require repair. The damage to the façade can be caused by a number of reasons, including natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. However, the most common cause of damage is neglect in maintenance and poor construction practices.

Neglect in maintenance can cause a variety of issues, including leaks, cracks, and deterioration of the façade materials. Poor construction practices, such as improper installation of materials or lack of structural support, can also lead to damage. Additionally, exposure to harsh weather conditions can cause the façade to deteriorate over time. It’s important to identify the root cause of the damage to the façade and address it promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of occupants. Professional assistance is recommended to ensure that the repairs are effective and safe.

Parking Deck Repairs

  • Concrete Repairs
  • Expansion Joints
  • Epoxy and Urethane Injections
  • Bearing Pads and Saddles
  • Sealants
  • Deck Coatings
  • Sealers
  • Engineered Structural Repairs

Parking deck repair is a vital aspect of maintaining the safety of the people who use the facility. Over time, parking decks can become damaged due to constant use and exposure to the elements. Cracks can form in the concrete, which can lead to structural damage and even collapse if left unattended. Additionally, water can seep into the cracks and cause further damage, which can be costly to repair in the long run.

Regular maintenance and repair of parking decks is necessary to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of those who use them. Neglecting repairs can lead to serious consequences, including injury or death, which is why it is important to address any issues as soon as they arise. By investing in regular maintenance and repair, property owners can help ensure that their parking decks remain safe and functional for years to come.

Emergency Response

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Emergency Shoring
  • Emergency Stabilization
  • Barricades
  • Overhead Protection
  • Emergency Rigging

We have access to many structural engineers with our vast partner network available to respond at any time to your emergency.

Structural Steel

  • Double-T Stabilization
  • New Steel Beams
  • Supplemental Steel Stiffeners and Plates
  • Specialty Steel Coating
  • New Bearing Pads
  • Double-T Steel Saddle Installation

Our expert team will restore and stabilize problematic structural steel components in parking decks and façades.

Specialty Rigging

The process of specialty rigging involves the use of various rigging equipment and methods to handle heavy loads and ensure the safety of workers and the integrity of the structure. Some of the key aspects and techniques involved in specialty rigging for structures include:

Rigging Equipment: Specialty rigging may involve the use of specialized equipment such as cranes, hoists, slings, shackles, lifting beams, and spreader bars. These tools are carefully selected based on the size and weight of the structure and the specific requirements of the lifting operation.

Rigging Plans: Before any lifting operation, a rigging plan is developed to assess potential risks, determine the appropriate equipment and rigging techniques, and establish safety procedures. Rigging plans consider factors like load weight, center of gravity, lifting points, clearance, and the surrounding environment.

Load Distribution: Rigging experts carefully analyze the distribution of the load to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed to prevent structural damage or deformation during lifting.

Heavy Lifting: Specialty rigging often involves heavy lifting, which requires precise coordination between rigging operators and the construction crew. This may include lifting prefabricated components, machinery, or other large elements into place.

Suspended Access: In some cases, specialty rigging can also provide suspended access to difficult-to-reach areas of a structure, enabling workers to perform maintenance, inspections, or repairs.

Safety Measures: Safety is of paramount importance in specialty rigging for structures. Workers must be trained in rigging techniques and follow strict safety protocols to prevent accidents and injuries. Rigging professionals are typically certified and experienced in handling complex lifting operations.

Structural Integrity: Throughout the rigging process, special care is taken to ensure the structural integrity of the building or structure. Lifting operations must be performed in a way that minimizes stress and strain on the structure to avoid any damage.

Specialty rigging for structures requires skilled professionals who have a deep understanding of engineering principles, load dynamics, and safety regulations. It plays a crucial role in many construction and maintenance projects, allowing for the safe and efficient handling of large and heavy components that would be otherwise difficult or impossible to maneuver.

Historical Restoration & Preservation

  • Brownstone Repair
  • Tuck Pointing
  • Terracotta Repair & Replacement
  • Pinning
  • Stabilization
  • Cleaning

Below Grade Waterproofing

Below grade waterproofing is a key aspect of building construction, specifically in structures like basements and underground parking garages that are located beneath the ground surface. The primary purpose of this process is to prevent water and moisture intrusion into these subterranean spaces. This is crucial as water can damage building materials, lead to mold and mildew growth, degrade the structure’s integrity over time, and create an unhealthy living or working environment. Various methods of waterproofing exist depending on the type of structure, its construction materials, and the surrounding environmental conditions.

The choice of a below-grade waterproofing system depends on many factors. These can include the type of soil surrounding the structure, the water table level, whether the building is in a flood-prone area, and the purpose of the space being waterproofed. Common waterproofing methods used include cementitious waterproofing, liquid waterproofing membrane, bituminous coating, bituminous membrane, and polyurethane liquid membrane. It’s essential to choose the appropriate method because each has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, while a cementitious coating is easy to apply and cost-effective, it may not provide the same level of protection against water intrusion as a bituminous or polyurethane membrane.

Beyond selecting the right waterproofing system, the actual application is also critical. Typically, a professional should carry out this task as it requires technical knowledge and experience to ensure proper installation. The waterproofing material is applied to the exterior surface of the structure’s foundation or walls that are in contact with the earth. A properly installed system should direct water away from the structure, towards a drainage system. This way, the risk of hydrostatic pressure build-up, which can cause cracks and leaks, is reduced. Proper inspection and maintenance of below-grade waterproofing systems are also necessary to ensure their longevity and effectiveness over time.

Graffiti Removal

  • Chemical Removal
  • Paint Over
  • Pressure Washing
  • Sandblasting
  • Gel and Foam Products
  • Natural Solutions

Graffiti has been a form of artistic expression for millennia. From the ancient scribblings found in archaeological sites to the modern murals that adorn city streets, graffiti represents a spectrum of human expression. However, when it becomes unsolicited or placed on private property, graffiti can be seen as vandalism. Businesses are often the victims of such acts, requiring them to invest in graffiti removal. Commercial graffiti removal is not only an aesthetic concern but also a testament to the constant push and pull between urban art and commerce.

Methods of Commercial Graffiti Removal

There are several methods to remove graffiti, and the best method often depends on the type of surface and the kind of paint or ink used.

  1. Chemical Removal: Specialized graffiti removers are available in the market that can break down most types of paint. After applying the solvent, it’s either scrubbed off or rinsed with water.
  2. Paint Over: Sometimes, the easiest method to remove graffiti is to paint over it. It’s crucial to match the paint color to the original surface to maintain consistency.
  3. Pressure Washing: Using high-pressure water can effectively remove graffiti from hard surfaces like concrete or brick. However, care must be taken not to damage the surface.
  4. Sandblasting: This involves projecting a stream of fine sand particles onto the surface to ‘blast’ the paint away. This method is highly effective but can be abrasive on some surfaces.
  5. Gel and Foam Products: These are thicker than liquid removers and are useful for vertical surfaces since they don’t drip as quickly.
  6. Natural Solutions: There are eco-friendly solutions made from natural ingredients like citrus or soy. While they might not be as aggressive as chemical solutions, they are environmentally friendly.

Our Clients

ADDCO Restoration & Preservation Group has worked with major commercial real estate groups and government entities throughout the Southeast.

  • JLL
  • CMA
  • CBRE
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3420 Oakcliff Rd., STE 115
Atlanta, Georgia 30340

(770) 688-5065 Office
(770) 985-5612 Fax